Contact our office immediately! Dental pain is often an indication of serious dental infection that can escalate quickly in some cases if not addressed. It is common for dental pain to increase and decrease throughout the day. Do not assume that the problem has resolved if pain goes away.
If the toothache is paired with signficiant swelling of the face quickly go to the nearest emergency department as soon as possible.
Knocked Out Tooth (Avulsion)
Baby tooth – If a baby tooth is knocked out it should be left out. Putting the tooth back in could damage the adult tooth.
Adult tooth – Contact our office immediately! If an adult tooth is knocked out it should be placed in milk (not water) and brought to the office as soon as possible.
Chipped a tooth (Fracture)
Contact our office immediately! Fractures that extend to the pulp of the tooth require immediate attention to achieve the best possible outcome. Chipped teeth can also be very painful and should be treated quickly for that reason as well.
Bumped a tooth (Concussion/Luxation)
Contact our office immediately! Even if the tooth does not feel loose it is important to come in for a baseline exam so we can see if the injury has any impact on the health of the tooth in the future.
If the tooth feels loose it is especially important to come in for treatment. In this case, the tooth may need to be splinted in place so it can have the best opportunity to heal.
Lip/cheek biting
Apply ice to help reduce swelling and apply pressure with a clean cloth or sterile gauze to stop any bleeding. If the bleeding will not stop, call your physician or visit your local emergency room.